Bollywood Boyz descend on Oxford Physics.
The third issue of Bang!, Oxford’s graphically-gorgeous student science magazine, edited by Andrew Steele.
A visit to the Beijing Museum of Urban Planning joint-’blogged with Tom Gatley.
12th International Conference on Molecule-Based Magnets
Download my poster on examining a family of molecular magnets with muon-spin rotation from the October 2010 ICMM conference in Beijing, China.
Small is beautiful
Could mini-referenda be the new statistically-sound direct democracy?
Thursday 27 May 2010
To the particle accelerator! Via DLR and LCY to PSI.
Mirror mirror on the wall
How flipping reality back-to-front can turn science upside-down.
Exploring a family of molecular magnets with muons
Presentation from a talk about the family of
How to make an animation for a presentation
A workflow to make an animation for a PowerPoint or other presentation from single frames, in a format most computers should understand.
Opinion polls for April 2010 with errors
Opinion polls of voting intention for the UK General Election 2010 with errors.