The scandalous absence of the scientific method in politics
Saturday 13th March 2010
Explosions, liquid nitrogen and hot women: the Big Bang science fair.
Particle accelerators poster
A poster about the uses of particle accelerators designed by Andrew Steele for the Oxfordshire Science Festival 2010 launch event on Broad Street, Oxford.
Why the Copenhagen climate negotiations got it all backwards.
Thursday 3 April 2008
It’s not a very bloody civil ceremony if your dress gets ruined just because of your choice of music, is it?
Wednesday 23 December 2009
Teen murders!!! Broken Britain? More like broken British Broadcasting Corporation.
The cost of living
Could carbon pricing make markets moral?
Tipping the scales
Taking the measure of man’s quest to quantify—a tour of some of the sillier scales throughout history.
Off liberty
Why the ‘harm principle’ may do more harm than good.
Sunday 30 August 2009
Witches, photography and the physically improbable.