The ethics of ageing biology

Read a free bonus chapter of Ageless

When I tell people I’ve written a book on medicines to treat ageing, the first question I get usually isn’t about biology: it’s ‘yeah, but won’t these treatments only be available to the rich?’

The moral, ethical and social consequences of treating ageing would be enormous, and I only scratch the surface in Ageless to leave more space for the science. As a result, I’ve written a free bonus chapter of the book to address some of the many questions I’ve been asked. If you’d rather watch than read, there are also some videos below.

If you'd like to read about what would happen to global population, whether anti-ageing medicine would increase inequality, risks of immortal dictators, whether we’d get bored, and more, then you can download the free chapter, ‘A world without ageing’, in various formats:

There are more detailed instructions on how to get your the ebook onto your Kindle below. If you use another ebook reader, you can visit in your device’s web browser.


All my citations and sources can be found on the references page for this chapter.


Check out this playlist of videos on the subject:

How to get the chapter onto your Kindle


You can send downloaded ebooks or personal documents to your Kindle by emailing its unique email address. This is how:

  1. Go to your device settings and find the email address associated with your device. (Go to this link: Amazon US, Amazon UK; click ‘Preferences’ at the top of the screen; scroll down to ‘Personal Document Settings’ and click to expand; find the address in your ‘Send-to-Kindle E-Mail Settings’)
  2. Enable the email address you’re going to send it from (on the same part of the same settings page as above, make sure that the email you’re going to send from is on the ‘Approved Personal Document E-mail List’).
  3. Download the Kindle file,
  4. Attach the file to an email and send it to your address.
  5. You’ll get a verification email. Click on the link, make sure your Kindle is connected to wifi, and A world without ageing will magically appear on there!


You can transfer the file directly to your Kindle by plugging it into your computer with a USB cable. This can either be done using the excellent and free Calibre ebook software, or by dragging the file into the documents folder on your Kindle.

Using the Kindle web browser

You can visit in the Kindle’s web browser to download the ebook directly onto your Kindle.