Thesis template

My DPhil thesis was mainly authored using LyX typesetting software and the graphics program GLE, and I’ve made the full source available here in case it’s of use to anyone. I’ve meant to strip it down into a template with examples, but haven’t ever quite found the time! Let me know if you do , and I’ll put a copy up here…



  • The template includes the siunitx package, which allows simple entry of units. Look through chapters/musr.lyx for a few examples. You may need to install this package.
  • The template also uses upgreek to allow correct display of upper-case Greek letters. This too may need installing; if you’re using MikTeX on Windows, it’s part of the was bundle.
  • I’m quite pleased with my bibliography style file, references/statto.bst, which not only has clickable titles, but also displays the DOI and arXiv reference if you include the eprint field. The one feature left on my wishlist was to print the URL in long form if there was no DOI or arXiv reference available. In the absence of that, I had to put the address manually into the title section of that reference’s BibTeX entry.
  • The contents of references/publications.lyx are a slightly upsetting hack: I couldn’t get multiple bibliographies to work in one document, so I just generated the bibliography from references/publications.bib and copied the intermediate .bbl file created by that process into a plain TeX box in LyX. Better solutions welcome—but it does work!
  • The graphs were all produced with as standardised a GLE template as possible. A good general example can be found in chapters/figures/cuhf2pyz2x/summarygraphs/, which shows muon asymmetry spectra and best-fit lines for a material at two different temperatures. All text is written in TeX for consistency, which makes the GLE a little more complicated—but it matches the thesis style, and you can even use siunitx! The second, largely dummy, graph is to make sure that the best-fit lines are positioned over the data points; if you’d prefer the reverse, you can simply put the commands for the lines within the first graph. All graphs should be made at actual size to ensure font size consistency.
  • Any problems, suggestions or improvements, please get in touch!

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