FµF bond parameter calculator

rF–µ = ±  nm
νd = ±  MHz

Type in the length or frequency of an FµF bond, press enter or click somewhere else, and JavaScript will calculate the other value. This only works for linear, symmetric FµF.


This program simply evaluates νd = ArF–µ3, where A = µ0γFγµħ / 8π2 = 3.599 325 × 10−25 m3·Hz; an expression derived from ωdµ0γFγµħ / 4πrF–µ3 1.

The program uses A = 3.599 325 × 10−4  nm3·MHz for radii in nm and linear frequencies in MHz.

The values of the relevant physical constants are:

µ0 = 4π × 10−7 N·A−2(defined)
γF = 25.181 48 × 107 rad·s−1·T−1Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, page 6. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 2002
γµ = 2π × 135.538 817 MHz·T−12
ħ =1.054 572 × 10−34 J·s3

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