Why if you do geometry on spheres, it will balls up: π ain’t as constant as you thought it was.
Monday 9th February 2009
I have a hurty knee.
Bumpy road to ‘free’ energy
A roundabout way to generate electricity.
Science Minister visits Oxford
Government Science Minister Lord Drayson visited Oxford this week, meeting academics and students for a pilot ‘town hall’-style consultation.
Sunday 11 January 2009
This evening, my computer caught fire.
Friday 9 January 2009
A trucker gives me the horn.
Quark life
Could life have existed in the first fractions of a second after the Big Bang?
How mad are you?
Andrew reviews a BBC Horizon double episode which asks How mad are you?
Wednesday 24 December 2008
Walkin’ in a Woolies wasteland.
Download my poster on copper fluorine water pyrazine from the July 2008 µSR08 conference in Tsukuba, Japan.