Please vote tactically today. Here’s why.

We only win if no-one wins

Please vote tactically against the Conservatives in today’s election. Go to and enter your postcode to find out who is most likely to beat the Conservative candidate in your constituency.

What this means in practice is that none of the parties will win. This is good news. None of them is fit to govern, but if they’re forced to muddle through in a coalition we might get somewhere.

Here are a few more in-depth reasons:

A vote against Johnson

When your vote can mean so many things on a local, policy and party dimension, it might seem simplistic to vote based on a leader alone. But Johnson is no typical leader.

Any one of these things should be enough to seriously damage a politician’s credibility or even end their career, and yet there is a serious chance of this man being our Prime Minister for the next five years. If you are thinking of voting Conservative, can you really endorse that with a clean conscience?

For moderate Conservative voters

Many of you are rightly uncomfortable about a Johnson-led government and the hard Brexit he wants to deliver. The latest polls show that a Conservative win will likely be with quite a small majority, which could mean that Tory right-wingers hold the balance of power. If you hold your nose and vote tactically, it’s highly likely that the Conservatives will still be the largest single party, which will give them a significant amount of influence in Parliament. Labour has such a vanishingly small chance of a majority that a vote for someone other than a Conservative won’t put Corbyn in Number 10 except in a coalition, which will stop him enacting the most out-there parts of his manifesto. If you are confident that Brexit is still the will of the people, then you should be confident to have it subjected to a second referendum on the details of the deal.

For Labour voters

There is no way Labour is going to win a majority in this election. Please hold your nose and vote Lib Dem/someone else if suggested by In most constituencies you won’t have to. A hung parliament is far better than five more years of Conservative cuts to the NHS and Johnson’s hard, rushed Brexit.

For Lib Dem voters

I feel like this doesn’t really need saying, but there is no way the Lib Dems are going to win a majority in this election. Please hold your nose and vote Labour/someone else if suggested by A hung parliament is far better than five more years of Conservative cuts to the NHS and Johnson’s hard, rushed Brexit.

For other voters

I’ve not covered Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland here, and there are a handful of constituencies in England where independent candidates or the Greens are best-placed to win. You can find out at

You don’t need your polling card to vote. You don’t need ID to vote (except in Northern Ireland). Make a plan now for when you will vote tomorrow, tell a friend, and do it.

Once more:

This has been a party political broadcast on behalf of none of the parties because they’re all terrible, please vote so that none of them win.

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