Unlike the other chapters, the references for A world without ageing are published in full here because the chapter is available for free online.
As well as the specific references that follow, I found the first two listed here to be good general introductions to the ideas in this chapter:
- Oxford University’s Dr Anders Sandberg on if dictators could live forever, the annual risk of nuclear war, solar flares, and more (The 80,000 Hours Podcast, 2018). ageless.link/vns4wn
- Sebastian Sethe and João Pedro de Magalhães, Ethical perspectives in biogerontology, in Ethics, Health Policy and (Anti-) Aging: Mixed Blessings, (ed. Maartje Schermer and Wim Pinxten) (Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013). DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-3870-6\_13 ageless.link/w6bkxb
- A 2013 poll of Americans…
- Cary Funk, Living to 120 and beyond: Americans’ views on aging, medical advances and radical life extension (Pew Research Center, 2013). ageless.link/jrmgc3
- …another study asked…
- Yoni Donner, Kristen Fortney, Stuart R. G. Calimport et al. Great desire for extended life and health amongst the American public, Frontiers in Genetics 6, 353 (2015). DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2015.00353 ageless.link/ace4co
- …shared incredibly unequally…
- Calculations and sources at ageless.link/kboyfx
- …the population in 2050 would be 11.3 billion…
- Own calculation based on UN population projection data. Read how this was done at ageless.link/pvu669
- A study considering a more realistic scenario…
- Barry B. Hughes, Randall Kuhn, Eli S. Margolese-Malin et al. Opportunities and challenges of a world with negligible senescence, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 99, 77–91 (2015). DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2015.06.031 ageless.link/mqp6rk
- …world fertility rate has plummeted…
- Max Roser, Fertility rate, Our World in Data (2014). ageless.link/64e7nj
- …aged over 40 than under 20.
- Births in England and Wales (Office for National Statistics, 2021). ageless.link/9qmdx3
- Vital events reference tables 2018 (National Records of Scotland; National Records of Scotland, 2019). ageless.link/4rws4k
- Birth statistics (Northern Ireland Statistics; Research Agency, 2018). ageless.link/hucg67
- The Scottish and Northern Irish statistics actually show slightly more babies born to women under 20 than over 40, but England and Wales have a much larger population so the overall UK figures reflect the statistic quoted.
- …average fertility across the EU is 1.5…
- Fertility rate, total (births per woman), European Union (World Bank). ageless.link/mprptf
- …assume that life expectancy increases…
- You can see graphs of these underwhelming forecasts in my document about population projections in an ageless world at ageless.link/pvu669
- …many serious demographers are worrying about underpopulation…
- Justin Fox, The population bomb is fizzling, but that won’t save the planet, Bloomberg Opinion (2019). ageless.link/zbkpic
- The global vaccination rate…was 85%…
- Samantha Vanderslott, Bernadeta Dadonaite and Max Roser, Vaccination, Our World in Data (2013). ageless.link/xwqdfa
- …the picture is still substantially rosier…
- Watch the brilliant Hans Rosling berating Swedes for their wildly inaccurate perceptions of global vaccination rates in this video (the relevant section starts at 14:54, but the whole video is worth watching).
- Hans Rosling, Immunisation trends and child surviva, GAVI Alliance Mid-Term Review meeting, 2013. ageless.link/o3rdst
- Once they go off-patent…prices usually fall significantly.
- Gerard T. Vondeling, Qi Cao, Maarten J. Postma et al. The impact of patent expiry on drug prices: A systematic literature review, Appl. Health Econ. Health Policy 16, 653–60 (2018). DOI: 10.1007/s40258-018-0406-6 ageless.link/so4f6u
- …metformin and off-patent statins…cost cents per dose…
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, retrieved December 2021 ageless.link/ss973t
- …probably ‘only’ a five-figure sum…
- Ezekiel Emanuel, We can’t afford the drugs that could cure cancer (Wall Street Journal, 2018). ageless.link/djizj3
- …the NHS…paying an undisclosed sum…
- NICE recommends another revolutionary CAR T-cell therapy for adults with lymphoma (NICE, 2019). ageless.link/v9jhoc
- …the procedure is still entirely manual…
- Siddhartha Mukherjee, The promise and price of cellular therapies, The New Yorker 2019. ageless.link/wtxgdk
- The current cost of dementia…is estimated to be over $1 trillion worldwide…
- The costs are shown in Figure 6.1 of this report, whose axis is mislabelled: it reads millions, rather than billions.
- Martin J. Prince et al., World Alzheimer report 2015: The global impact of dementia, Alzheimer's Disease International 2015. ageless.link/ucsaf9
- Over half of dementia sufferers…
- Prince et al. ageless.link/ucsaf9
- …salty, sugary water…
- Bernadeta Dadonaite, Oral rehydration therapy: A low-tech solution that has saved millions of lives, Our World in Data (2019). ageless.link/zoossd
- …spending on healthcare…GDP per capita…
- GDP per capita (current US$), middle income and high income countries (World Bank). ageless.link/u4rm9p
- …it will be the moral duty of the rich world…
- Hughes, Kuhn, Margolese-Malin et al. 2015 ageless.link/mqp6rk
- …3.6 years to a dictator’s life expectancy.
- Sandberg 2018 ageless.link/vns4wn
- …this quote has quite the pedigree.
- Science makes progress funeral by funeral, Quote Investigator 2017. ageless.link/4a6yte
- …a clever large-scale analysis of papers…
- Pierre Azoulay, Christian Fons-Rosen and Joshua S. Graff Zivin, Does science advance one funeral at a time? Working Paper 21788 (National Bureau of Economic Research, 2015). DOI: 10.3386/w21788 ageless.link/bm9szo
- Attitudes to homosexuality have improved…
- Fred C. Pampel, Cohort changes in the social distribution of tolerant sexual attitudes, Social Forces 95, 753–77 (2016). DOI: 10.1093/sf/sow069 ageless.link/o7nvct
- …there is little evidence that cohort replacement is driving change…
- Erik W. Johnson and Philip Schwadel, It is not a cohort thing: Interrogating the relationship between age, cohort, and support for the environment, Environment and Behavior 51(7):879–901 (2019). DOI: 10.1177/0013916518780483 ageless.link/iycguh
- Delia Lloyd, Debunking the climate change generation gap (Oxford Institute of Population Ageing Blog, 2021). ageless.link/ixk4my
- Ageing of the brain is driven by the same processes…
- Sethe and de Magalhães 2013 ageless.link/w6bkxb