This is a list of my public appearances. If you’d like me to speak at your event, please get in touch!
Past events (2024)
Longer. Healthier. Better Symposium, Boston, USA, October 16th
Organised by life insurance company John Hancock and Manulife, the second Longer. Healthier. Better. Symposium brought together longevity and health leaders to discuss the latest breakthroughs—and I made the case for looking to the future of longevity science, as well as optimising what we can do with current medicine.
11th Aging Research and Drug Discovery Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 26th–30th
I spoke about ‘Longevity science, medicine and advocacy’, and I made the case that advocacy for longevity is key to unlocking the science, and thereby (hopefully!) longer, healthier lives with medicine.
The talk is now available to watch online!
Foresight Institute Vision Weekend Europe, Schloss Bückeburg, Germany, 12th–14th July
I spoke on Pathways to a Flourishing Longevity Industry as part of this weekend exploring optimistic and high-tech visions of the future, and how we can work together to achieve them.
International Social Wellbeing Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4th–5th June
I made a keynote speech to around 2000 experts, policymakers, businesspeople and other stakeholders, on how longevity science could contribute to the topic of this year’s summit—Ageing and longevity: towards a meaningful retirement.
Lessons for an ageing world, Cheltenham Science Festival, Friday 7th June 16:30–17:30
I interviewed the brilliant Prof Andrew Scott about his equally brilliant new book The Longevity Imperative, to find out what we need to do to move away from the ‘ageing society’ narrative, and build a new evergreen society in which we can all live healthier, more fulfilled lives for longer.
The hallmarks of longevity, Founders Longevity Forum, London, 10th–11th June
I introduced the science of ageing, kicking off a day designed for investors, VCs, CEOs and founders.
Talking about longevity, Longevity Summit Dublin, Friday 14th June, 1745–18:30
I spoke on a panel with David Barzilai, Jennifer Pearlman and Aubrey de Grey about how we communicate longevity science.
You can now check out the discussion online!
Can we cure ageing?, Festival der Zukunft, Munich, Germany, Friday 28th June 09:45–10:15
This festival explores all things in the future of science, climate, robotics and AI, and I gave a keynote on longevity science.
If you book with the code Iamwithaspeaker2024
you will get 20% off!
Longevity Week Berlin Opening Gala, May 6th, 16:00–20:00
I co-hosted the opening event for Berlin’s first ever Longevity Week with Stephanie Dainow, as well as speaking on a panel about ‘Democratising Longevity’. Find out more about future events at longevityweek.berlin.
Longevity Startups @ Google, Berlin, May 8th, 18:00–21:00
I opened an evening of talks from startups in longevity and healthtech at Google’s Berlin offices.
Longevity State Conference, Cofrentes, Spain, May 13th–15th
The Longevity State Conference explored what healthcare, neighbourhoods, regulations and countries would look like if longevity was the primary priority. I spoke about how we can use policy and lobbying to increase public funding of longevity research.
Livelong Summit, West Palm Beach, Florida, March 15th–16th
The first ever Livelong Summit was two days of the cutting-edge research, health advice and more coming out of longevity science with top scientists, doctors and other experts.
The World Forum, Berlin, February 18th–19th
An event exploring the future of democracy, tech and humankind, at which I hosted panels on longevity, alternative proteins, AI and space travel.
Longevity Investors Lunch, Davos, Switzerland, January 16th
An invite-only event during the World Economic Forum, bringing together scientists, academia, entrepreneurs and investors.