My letter to my MP, Catherine West, explaining my concerns about Brexit and low levels of research funding.
How to make delicious banana bread
A recipe for yummy banana bread containing some of the right ingredients and also despair.
Why I’m voting remain
I will be voting to remain in the EU on Thursday. Just in case anyone who reads this is undecided, here’s why.
Showreel 2016
Showreel for Dr Andrew Steele, scientist and presenter, with footage from Impossible Engineering, Lab, Camera, Action!, FameLab and Scienceogram.
Tell Them Science is Vital
As part of the Tell Them Science is Vital campaign, I e-mailed my MP, Lynne Featherstone, and local candidates too. Here’s what I said.
How shocking was Brazil’s 7–1 defeat, mathematically speaking?
Trying to mathematically make sense of Brazil’s thrashing is a cautionary tale for mathematically inclined investors.
Experimental music in the superconductor lab
My greatest science claim to fame: I once played a piece of apparatus instrumental in a groundbreaking superconductivity discovery as a theremin.
A wide-roaming train of thought
How cheaper calls from abroad illustrate two important economic principles
£50bn question: do we want faster trains or limitless clean energy?
For the Guardian science blog, I asked: for £50bn, would we rather have HS2, or nuclear fusion?
Presidential polls, pointless pundits and potent probability
Numerical models should spell the end of innumerate punditry…and elections?